How to Buy/Sell


To purchase an item, you need to register with the site, if not already registered.

If you are a registered user, login in, your account page will open so you can see what you have listed, bought or if there are any emails from Sellers. Remember your listings will also be shown in your Buying History, since you actually bought a listing. Click on BUY STUFF. Select a main category, then a sub category, select the item you want to purchase, it will be added to your shopping cart.

If the item does not include shipping in its purchase price or does not have a Flat Rate shipping cost, at Checkout either the FedEx box will open or Contact Seller will appear. If the FedEx box opens, enter your zip code and FedEx will calculate the approximate shipping cost. Several options will appear such as Ground, Next Day etc., select the one you want to use. If you select an item to purchase, and the listing says 'Contact Seller for Shipping', you will need to email the Seller (Click Contact Seller) and request the shipping cost. Provide your zip code and address as well as whether the location the item is being shipped to is a residence or business address, no personal contact information should be provided. Once the Seller has obtained the shipping cost, they will email you the amount, if you accept the shipping cost, respond to the seller that you want to complete the transaction. The Seller will need to 'Edit' his listing in his account, click Flat Rate, enter the amount and notify you it’s been changed. The item can then be purchased.

Once you pay for an item(s), the Seller will be notified the item(s) have been sold and to ship them to you. Your name and shipping information will be included in the email the Seller receives. They will ship the item to you and mark the item shipped in their account. The Buyer will receive an email the item has been shipped, the email will contain a link to use to verify you received the item and accepted it. If there is a discrepancy with the item, you need to notify the Seller immediately. You have 10 days to do this. Once the site receives your confirmation the item has been received and accepted, the funds will be released to the Seller. If you don’t confirm you received and accepted the item within 20 days and the Seller has a delivery confirmation receipt, the funds will be released to the Seller.

If you want to cancel a purchase, alert the Seller as soon as possible to prevent the item being shipped to you. If the item has shipped, you will be responsible for the return shipping costs to the Seller. You cannot cancel a transaction after the item has been received unless the Seller accepts returns. Once the item has been returned to the Seller and they acknowledge receipt of the item in the same condition it was shipped, your purchase price, not including shipping, will be refunded to you. If you circumvent this process and dispute the credit card charge, you will be responsible for a $100 Administration fee regardless of the outcome of the dispute. If there is a dispute, review the process for handling disputes below, please familiarize yourself with the policy.

Please be aware of the Sellers return policy, if they have one.

Communications between Sellers and Buyers are done through anonymized emails through the site. All communications are logged into your account and can be viewed by you at any time. Any communication that includes the Seller/Buyers business or personal contact information, including but not limited to: name, company name, phone number, address, email etc. may result, at the sole discretion of the Site Administrator, in the full Transaction Value Fee being charged to the offending party. The only exception to this policy would be if you contact the Seller for a shipping cost, you will need to provide the Seller your zip code and address and whether or not the shipping location is a residence or business address, no other information is to be provided. Seller/Buyer may, at the sole discretion of the Site Administrator, be banned from using the Site.

Your use of the Site indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

If you desire to return an item, please contact the Seller immediately.

If the Seller return policy indicates they accept returns, the Seller will instruct you on how to return the item. You have 10 days from receipt of the item to request a return, if the Seller accepts returns. If no return request has been made, it will be assumed you accepted the item.

The item must be in the same condition it was received. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the Buyer. You should insure your package and request a return receipt so you have proof of delivery.

If there is a dispute between a Buyer and Seller, it would be beneficial to both parties to resolve disputes amicably, if possible.

You must notify the Seller and the site, within 10 days, if there is a dispute, you have 20 days, from receipt of the item(s) to negotiate a dispute resolution with the Seller, or if both parties agree, the dispute can be submitted to the Site Administrator, by using the Contact Us link, before the 20 days. If you have disputed a purchase and have not submitted the details of your dispute to the Seller and Site Administrator, by using the Contact Us link, within the time frames indicated, you will lose your right to dispute the purchase and the transaction will be considered complete. Notifying the Seller and Site about a dispute and failing to provide complete details of the dispute as described, the purchase will be considered complete. If you fail to follow the Dispute Resolution Policy and dispute the credit card charge, you will be responsible for the full purchase price of the item(s) and a $100 administration fee.

Your use of the Site indicates your acceptance of these conditions.

Both parties must submit their position regarding the dispute, in writing, to the Site Administrator by email using the Contact Us link. The Site Administrator will review the information provided. If additional information is needed, the Site Administrator will request it. The Site Administrator may call or email you, if needed.

The decision by the Site Administrator will be made within 10 days of receipt of all information regarding the dispute.

The decision of the Site Administrator is FINAL. Your use of the site, indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.


You must be a registered user of the site. Once registered, log into your account.

Click on the Create Listing button. The Create Listing Item Description window will open, fill in the information requested. Select the Category that best fits your item. Once you select a Category, the next box is the sub category, use the pull down menu box to see the sub-categories, you can select the sub-category that best describes your item.

Items that include shipping sell faster. Click on the Shipping box, several options will appear. If you are not including shipping you need to select either Flat Rate, Pick Up, FedEx or Contact Seller. If you select FedEx, two boxes will open. In Weight Type, your options are lbs. or ounces. If your item is small and you are only offering 1, then select Lbs. and enter 1, however, if you are offering more than one of the same item for sale and each weighs less than a pound, select Ounces and enter the weight. An example would be selling a fitting that weighs 4 oz. You would select ounces and enter 4 for the weight. The system will multiply the quantity of the item a buyer selects to purchase, such as 3 of them. The total weight would be 12 oz.; FedEx will round it up to the nearest lb. If you simply used 1 lb. and someone bought 3 of them, the shipping would be calculated for 3 lbs. and would be much higher than it should be and could cause a sale not to happen.

When a Buyer selects your item for sale and you selected FedEx as the shipping method, the Buyer will have to enter their zip code and the Site will calculate the shipping cost to the buyer. The Site uses a FedEx interface for an estimate of the shipping costs. The cost will only be an estimate of the shipping cost. The actual shipping cost may differ a little. The shipping cost will be added to the transaction when the buyer checks out and pays for the item. If you list an item for sale and select 'Contact Seller' in the shipping selection, when a Buyer wants to buy that item they will need to send you their zip code and address (No names or contact info) so you can determine the shipping cost before the sale can be completed. Once you determine the shipping cost, email the Buyer the cost to confirm they want to purchase the item. If so, you will need to go into your account, locate the item, on the right side click on Actions and select Edit Listing. Change the shipping method to Flat Rate and enter the shipping cost. Once complete, email the Buyer so they can complete the purchase.

Once you ship an item, log into your account, go to My Listings, locate the item shipped, click on Actions and View Messages. Mark the item as Shipped.

Be sure to state your return policy, if any, clearly. If you do not allow returns, enter No Returns.

You can upload up to 3 photos of your item. The first photo you select to upload will be the predominate display picture in your listing.

It is extremely important, if you sell an item through another method, that you delete the item or change the quantity available for sale.

If a Buyer wants to return an item, and you accept returns, they must notify you within 10 days of receipt of the item.

Communications between Sellers and Buyers are done through anonymized emails through the site. All communications are logged into your account. If you send or receive an email, the recipient will receive an email alert. To view an email, go to your user account, My Listings, review the left side of the items listed section. If there is an unread email, the icon on the left will indicate an email is there to be reviewed and responded to. Or click on New Messages in the column on the left side of the screen. Please respond in a timely manner.

Any communication that includes the Seller/Buyers business or personal contact information, including but not limited to: name, company name, phone number, address, email etc. may result, at the sole discretion of the Site Administrator, in the full Transaction Value Fee being charged to the offending party. The only Exception to Site Policy is if a Buyer contacts you to get a shipping cost. They will include their address, zip code and whether or not the shipping location is a residence or business, strictly for determining shipping costs. A Seller/Buyer may, at the sole discretion of the Site Administrator, be banned from using the Site if personal contact information is provided.

Be sure your item description is as complete as possible. The more detail you can provide a Buyer when they look at your item, the better chance they will be able to determine if they want to purchase the item.

If a potential Buyer contacts you, respond quickly and completely

The cost to list an item for sale on the Site is $1.50. The listing will be active for 30 days. You can select the Auto Renew option when completing the Create Listing information. If you do not select Auto Renew, the item will be removed from the site after 30 days and placed in your account. If you use a coupon for a free listing, the listing is good for 30 days. You will be charged $1.50 to renew the listing. If you selected the Auto Renew option, your credit card will be charged automatically.

If you would like to list your item in additional Categories, select Add Category and select the additional Category. Each additional Category you select, will incur an additional $1.50 listing fee.

Upon the sale of your item, you will be notified the item has sold. You should ship the item to the Buyer as soon as possible. After you ship the item, log into your account, locate the item in your account and mark the item as shipped. It is recommended when shipping an item, you should request a signature of the delivery. The Buyer will get an email the item has shipped and a link to confirm receipt of the item. The Site will hold the funds until the Buyer acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the item for a maximum of 20 days from the date the Buyer receives the item. If the Buyer has not acknowledged receipt of the item and the Seller can produce a signed delivery receipt. The sale proceeds will be released.

Once acknowledgement is received from the Buyer, the sale funds will be released minus the Sites 10% Transaction Value Fee (TVF). The Transaction Value is the total cost of the item(s) sold. Shipping, Sales Tax, if any, are not included in the calculation.